meh2. This is the last day of year 2007. 2007, is the most MOST year yg bermakna for me. I've been through a lot of challenges, happiness plus sadness. Only god knows how I feel. Let go of the past, and take a step forward into the future.
lol, sedar x sedar, next year I'm not a 'teen' anymore. I'm a 20 years old woman. An adult. I have to start thinking of my future. No more hanky panky stuff. Thinking maturely. Mind you, being an adult is tough. TOUGH. =P
here's my new year resolutions btw:
- jog every weekends. after subuh. (applicable at UTP only. lol. btw i need a jog buddy to teman me!)
- drink 8 glasses of water everyday. (i'm planning to buy PENGUIN mini water dispenser that costs me RM35. waiting for scholarship to masuk first. hehehe)
- dean's list! dean's list every sem
- cut expenses. (Aliaa, save monehhh pls!)
- be happy
Now playing: stevie b - because i love you
via FoxyTunes