Tomorrow(Tuesday) on BBC Entertainment channel 731 @ 9pm Doctor Who Season 3 Finale will be on air. <-- just a reminder to self to glue your eyes on telly.
At last, the mystery is finally solved. Who will be the 11th doc? Behold, the 11th doc:
(taken from Smith's the name. 26 years old. First impression, trying to be the 10th doctor. The style, the height, the body. Exactly like David Tennant's. Since David announced to step down, I felt so down and I swear not to watch Doctor Who series again. Well, let's give it a try. I will watch one episode, and then I will decide whether to continue watching it or not. David, how could you do this to me? I love the 10th doc so much!! T_T's not to late to wish you all...
~HAPPY 2009~